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When you’re staring up at a mountain of stuff, it sometimes feels easier to walk away. I get it. Dealing with the overwhelm of decluttering the stuff you don’t want or need and then organizing the rest can be difficult and frustrating… especially if you’ve never really experienced “the other side”: an organized home that boosts your confidence and relaxes your mind. But trust me, there are a lot of benefits of an organized home.

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It’s just like anything that’s hard before it becomes easier. If you never experience the life-changing benefits, then you might not stay motivated long enough to climb that mountain and do the hard stuff.
I know because I was that way for a long time. I wasn’t aware of the benefits of an organized home. Sure, I knew about a few of them, but nothing major enough to get me to try climbing that mountain!
But once I started experiencing these changes, I realized there were far more benefits of an organized home than I’d thought.
Some completely surprised me. Want to know the list? Here are 11 Benefits of an Organized Home that are likely to touch your life if you declutter and give everything a rightful home.
11 Benefits of an Organized Home
1. You Save Time
One of the greatest and most obvious benefits of an organized home is saving time.
What do I mean by this? I mean, you know where everything is! When you don’t know where to find things, you spend too long searching. You waste valuable time you could be spending on something else.
Anyone else hunting for their car keys way too often each week? Late to work or church or daycare, etc. because of it? If you organize your things, giving every object a home that makes sense and is functional for your life, then you’ll know where they are, even when you’re in a hurry.
2. You Save Money
We’ve all done it: gone to the store and bought “X” only to return home and realize we already had one. Or two.
Similarly, probably many of us could say we’ve found ourselves in need of some item we know we own, but simply CANNOT find, so we buy another. … Then, of course, that missing item reappears days/weeks/months later, and now we have two.
All of this can be avoided if we simply organize our stuff so that everything has a home. When we know for sure what we have (and where it is!), then we’re not buying extras. Thus, we save money.
3. You’re Able to Organize Your Mind, Too
When we have a cluttered house, we also have cluttered brains.
I’ve also noticed this phenomenon on my computer. When I have a million tabs open on my web browser, chances are, I’m currently scatterbrained. So one of the benefits of an organized house is being able to also organize our brains.
With our physical places tidied up, we have room to think and lay out our thoughts without the distraction of the clutter around us.
4. You Reduce Stress & Overwhelm
It’s stressful to lose things you need, to waste money on things you already own, or to wade through belongings and see them as a mass-ocean of stuff instead of individual prized possessions.
And when you realize you need to declutter and organize, you might become overwhelmed by the sheer volume. You might not know where to begin, so you end up shuffling items from room to room without really getting rid of anything. Or you start in one place, then stop due to overwhelm, and never come back to it.
I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been there. But once you pass the hump and actually have an organized space, holding only the items you truly need, love, and use, then you can almost literally feel the stress dripping away.
Overwhelm is gone because you have a plan. No more do you have to wonder where something should go (aka be shoved to fit). You’ve got it under control and cleaning up will be much easier from here on out.
5. You Set a Good Example for Your Kids & Other Family Members
The benefits of an organized house spread into your family members’ lives, too.
For example, if you have children, they’ll have a chance to learn organizational habits early in life if they help you with the tidying process. Including them in the organizational setup of their own rooms, for example, gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility, not to mention a space to be accountable for.
Organizing your home together also builds community among your family members. It becomes a family project instead of just yours, which sets a good example to your children as well as gets everyone’s buy-in.
And bonus! The ongoing upkeep is generally much easier with this approach, too.
6. You Have More Time for Other Activities
Who else has spent Saturday upon Saturday cleaning, decluttering, and organizing?
Week after week, there can be a sense of dread when Saturday comes because instead of relaxing with your family, or going out to hike, camp, shop, or whatever you like to do, you’re stuck cleaning up the mess you’ve all contributed to all week.
If you keep your house organized, own only the items you actually love and use, and focus on keeping those items where they belong, you’ll have more time to spend doing other things and not feel guilty about it (or having it waiting for you when you return home).
7. You Don’t Have to “Mad-Dash & Stash” Whenever Someone Visits (Which Means You Can Actually Have a Social Life!)
I love this term. It’s exactly what a lot of us do. Someone’s coming for dinner? Quick! Hide the dirty pot that doesn’t fit in the dishwasher up in the microwave, or in the stove. Stuff things in nooks or behind closed doors. Pray no one asks for a tour. Keep up appearances in the main living space.
See what I mean? It really can feel like a mad-dash to stash all your clutter so you seem to your guests like you’re put together. Well, guess what? None of us has everything put together. That’s okay. But having a well-organized space can help us overcome some of that. If things have a home, and we keep them there when not in use, then we have less dashing around to do when someone suddenly asks to drop by.

8. You Appear Professional To Clients
I know of several people who work out of their homes and frequently have people stopping by to look at products, have meetings, etc. This is one of those times you definitely don’t want your house messy.
You want to be proud of your home, and like it or not, what others see makes on impression on them. In a business situation, your clients’ view of your work space reflects you as a merchant.
All I’m saying is you have a better chance of cultivating a positive relationship with clients if you keep your meeting space organized and clean. Pure and simple.
9. It Boosts Your Self-Confidence
You might not think a list of benefits of an organized home would include a boost in your self-confidence, but it does!
When you take the time to declutter your space, find effective and beautiful ways to organize, then you feel good. You feel a sense of accomplishment. Any feelings of shame you may have experienced about the space prior to organization can now evaporate. It’s like getting a new haircut you love, or a new outfit that seems designed for you. You just feel pretty awesome!
10. It Encourages Showing Respect
Putting your belongings where they belong, and using all you have, shows respect for you personal property. Similarly, donating or selling the items you don’t use is showing respect as well.
It’s giving someone else a chance to love the items you no longer want or need. And what better way to teach your children to respect their belongings than to have them put things away and help drop off donations?
11. It Strengthens Your Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is one of the great benefits of an organized home. Remember, organization is a thoughtful process. Sometimes you are certain you’ve put items where they should go, and then later you realize that method wasn’t effective for your household. It’s okay to reorganize something that isn’t working.
But here’s the deal: once your stuff is organized the way you like it, you have to maintain it. I believe if you truly buy in to the organizational method you’ve chosen, and you deeply understand the reason you want to keep a place working well for you (for example, saving time & reducing stress), then you’ll tend to keep things tidy.
But honestly, it still takes thought. You have to consistently put things back, whether you’re in a hurry, or distracted, or simply don’t feel like it some days. You do it because you know the lasting benefits of an organized home, and so you build your self-discipline day after day.
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Your Turn!
I’m loving the things I’m learning through organizing my home. What are some other benefits you’ve experienced? Drop me a line below!
Want help organizing your home?
Check out my free guide, Declutter Your House in 12 Days or Less! It breaks down the overwhelming tasks into easy-to-manage steps so you can finally conquer the clutter.
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9 responses to “11 Benefits of an Organized Home”
That’s a really good point, that you can have more time to do other things without guilt if your house is organized. Moving into a new home, it’s been hard this last week to get everything placed in the right spot and have enough space. We’ll have to look into custom storage solutions.
Yep, I hear you, David! A new house always provides new challenges! Hopefully you’re able to find the solutions you’re looking for!
It’s good that you mention that having an organized home can decrease the amount of stress in your life. I’ve been looking for a way to reduce my stress, so I’m thinking about hiring a professional home organizer. I’m going to look for a reputable home organizing service in my area to employ.
That’s a great idea! I hope it helps reduce stress for you!
I am such a disorganized person and my husband always reminds me of it lol. This was super helpful, because I actually run my business out of my home. I dug a little deeper on how to better organize for it as well, and came across this . It was super helpful and allowed me to not only use these tools for my business, but for home too. Thoughts on it?
Yeah, those look like great tools, Kelly! Also, thanks for stopping by here! I’m glad it was super helpful for you. Best wishes in your organizing endeavors!
My cousin has been thinking about getting some better organization in her living room for all of her kid’s toys. She would really like to get some help from a professional to organize it properly. I liked what you said about how she will feel a lot better when the area is organized, and decluttered.
It really does make a difference! Thanks for stopping by, Adam.
I had no idea organizing your home has several benefits, such as removing unwanted clutter and easing mental stress. My friend is considering having his relatives over for a house welcoming party. I will suggest he consider hiring a house-organizing expert who can keep his space tidy!